

Afterall Journal Issue 51

Part of an ongoing collaboration with Pacific, Afterall Journal is a curated collection of artists, contexts, events, works, and exhibitions that invite you to explore the changes of medium, media, and mediation throughout history and culture.


Issue 51, "Mediations," explores questions under the umbrella of medium, media, and meditation. In recent years, art historical and theoretical debates have been marked by increasing concerns for questions of meditation. Today, rethinking the medium is about approaching art as a form of mediation through its technical and material dimensions and about recognizing and examining the latter in their capacities to shape experience, perception, as well as setting the conditions of possibilities for the production, circulation and archiving of visual culture. Through audiovisual media, various exhibition formats, or practices that produce new milieus between life, art, and other fields of inquiry, the artists and contexts presented in this issue explore the production of new sensible environments by modulating various kinds of information.


Published by Afterall Books, 2021

Designed by Pacific


182 pages

8 × 10 inches