
Jeffrey Deitch




Los Angeles, CA


Pat Phillips
Quality Control

Quality Control displays Pat Phillips’ photography, sketchbook drawings, and references alongside artworks spanning the past 10 years of his career. Historic graffiti, personal photos, and the experience of growing up in Louisiana figure heavily in the artist’s work, visible here in collages and full-page spreads. With a foreword by Mario Ybarra and an interview with Mark Thomas Gibson, the book includes installation photos from the Whitney, M+B Gallery, and Jeffrey Deitch gallery.

Published by Pacific, Jeffrey Deitch and M+B, Hardcover, 8½ × 10½ inches, 232 pages, Edition of 1,000

The front cover of a book floating on a gray background. The cover is an old home photo of a mother holding a baby. The baby wears a pointed birthday hat. The mother's face is obscured by a film processing quality check sticker which includes the title of the book, "Quality Control".
Book interior with a collage of family photos.
An open book. The left page is a collage with an oversized price tag imposed onto a blurry photograph of a train. The right page is mostly white, except for a photo processing quality check in the top right corner. Along the bottom of the page are the logos of all of the galleries, designers and artists involved: Jeffrey Deitch, M and B, Pacific, and Pat Phillips.
Open book with a photograph of a man standing in water under a bridge on the left page. The right page is filled with text.
Book interior with a painting by the artist, Pat Phillips, on either page. The paintings are a mix of acrylic, ink, aerosol paint on a panel and canvas. Both works are vivid colors and include renderings of a rainbow. Various characters make up the scenes.
Book interior that features a painting on the left page and an interview on the right page.
Open book which features an installation shot of a yellow, green and brown mural in a gallery space. The opposite page is a photograph of the artist installing the artwork.
An old film photograph of a Los Angeles freeway sign covered in graffiti stretches across two pages inside of an open book.
Two paintings by the artist, Pat Phillips on opposing book pages. The painting information is located on the bottom corners of each page near the binding.
Book interior which features an installation shot from Pat Phillips' show at Jeffrey Deitch titled, "Consumer Reports". The room is mostly empty except for a white pedestal in the center which displays four folded shirts. A set of stairs on the left of the room leads up to a railed platform. The wall behind the platform is painted bright blue and has five paintings hung beneath three large-scale murals of dry-cleaning hangers.
Book interior which features a collage of various images depicting graffiti, graffiti painting and house interiors and young kids partying.
Back cover of a book resting on a light gray background. The cover is 2/3 black and the right third is part of a family photograph.
Installation shot from Pat Phillips' show at Jeffrey Deitch titled, "Consumer Reports". The room is mostly empty except for a white pedestal in the center which displays four folded shirts. A set of stairs on the left of the room leads up to a railed platform. The wall behind the platform is painted bright blue and has five paintings hung beneath three large-scale murals of dry-cleaning hangers.